Tech Research

This blog is about latest technology. you can get more technical knowledge from here. "Technical Research" Blog share many latest information. In Technical Research we are sharing earning tips and technical knowledge. in short technical world is all about technical knowldge and Research.


Friday, 31 August 2018

How to get a (.tk,ml,gl,etc) domain free?

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How to get a (tk,gl,ml,etc) domain free?

We can see many websites gives offer to use their sub domain but Freenom is only one company who gives many domain free.

Following are the tips :

1. Go to .
2. Sign up by google account.
3. Then search for domain.

4. Then select one domain from the option.
5. Then fill the form and click to continue.

6. Select 12 month free and click to continue

7. Now you are done

How to Index your blog or website on google?

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How to Index your blog or website on google?

This is the big mistake every blogger does if you will not index your blog on google search console then your blog will never rank on google and you will not earn much more as your expectation money. now don't worry about it just follow my steps.
Before the indexing you can check on google
just type site: then your blog name.

Following are the step :

1. Just go to your blog
2. Copy your blog's link address.

3. Open new tab in search for "Search console" and click on 
Add Property.

4. Add your site URL in the box and click Add.
5. Go to Crawl>Fetch as a Google

6. And paste your code here and make sure you blog address from that link.

7. After pasting link just click on FETCH.
8. Last step after fetching link click for Request Indexing.
9. Now you are done you can check after 5 minute is your blog is indexed or not.
10. For check your site is index or not Type  site:https://yourblogname .

How to increase Instagram by Genuine Way?

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How to Increase Instagram by Genuine Way?

Hi, guys in this blog i am going to show you how to increase followers on instagram. Guys i will just tell you how to increase 
Followers on instagram not Likes. as we know if your followers will increase your Likes will also increase.
without wasting any time just see. 

Following are the Tips :

1. Open your Instagram application.
2. Go to search and search any verified account (Blue tick).
3. I am searching My favourite actor Akshay Kumar.

4. Just follow the suggested account.

5. Wait for a minute and you will see magic your followers will
automatically increase.

6. If you want more follower then do it again.
7. You are done.

How to Check content is copyrighted or not?

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How to check Content is Copyrighted or not?

This is a big issue now a days Some people are just copying blog and using it to their Blogging account so it is a big problem for professional blogger who really take efforts for their blog for ranking so that i am sharing you some Tips and Tricks 

Following are the tips:

1. Go to following link click here .
2. Copy the content as you want and it into the box as shown in the following image.

3. Click to check Plagiarism.

4. If your content is 100 percent copyright free then the website will show following reasult.

5. If your content is not unique then dont use it to your blog.
beacause it will affect on your earning.
6. Now you are done.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

How to Create Web View android Application?

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How to Create Web View android Application?

Hi guys this is Ajinkya. I am going to share you How to create a Web view android application. I it very easy to create a web view app.

The following Steps

1.Go to .
2. Login by your google accout.
3. Click on create new app.

4. Then enter the Name of the application.

5. Drag and drop Web View component from User Interface.

6. Copy the URL of any website. 

7. Paste it into Home URL box as shown in following figure.

8. Now you are done.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Top Niche Topic for Blogger

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Top Niche Topic for Blogger (Best Topic For Beginner)

Now a Days People are Interested to share there knowledge throw
Blog and they want to generate Passive Income throw it.
This is good idea but the problem is they did't find Rare topics for blogging if you search on google you will find many topics on Technology, Health and Fitness, Personality Development
and Recipe. so if you started blog on this topic so will required so many time to generate income on it. So i am going to share top best Topic for Blogger

1. Latest Movie or Serial Information Blog 
(Give the information on actor and actress and say about Director
and many other things as you want.)

2. Write Whatsapp jokes blog
(you can find many jokes on Whatsapp, Hike and Instgram)

3. Give Traveling guide and give information about tour
( After some time you can start your own Travelling business on it)

4. Write blog on rare gadget
( You can find many gadget on amezon, flipcart and alibaba sites
you can also generate income throw affiliate)
if you don't have idea check this blog

5. Write blog History
( I think History is the best choice because history never change 
you can write history by school book.)

6. Just Read your book and write a blog on it. you can also generate income from it.

How to Create Sitemap

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How to Create Sitemap?

Sitemap is type of SEO if you did't created sitemap. I think you did't approved by google adsense.
so don't care about it. in this i am going to share you how to create sitemap

Following are the ways to create Sitemap

1. Go to .

2.  Note that you need to type "https://".
3. Then click on Generate Sitemap.
4. Your code will look  like this.

5. Copy that code .
6. Just go to Settings > Search Preference.

7. Paste it into the Custom Robot.txt .

8. Now you are done.

Top Seven SEO Tips for Blogger

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Top Seven SEO Tips for Blogger ( Search Engine Optimisation)

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is way to get free Traffic from google. In other word
SEO means make understandable in which topic our blog is about. without SEO your blog will not Rank on google and other sites too. 

Top Important Tips of SEO for

    1.Repeat your title 2 or 3 Times. (For Best Traffic Result)

    It is important part of blog and website if you will rewrite your title while writing it means you are explaining to google. that on which
    topic you are writing a blog. This will help you to rank your blog in google search.
      2. Choose best Keyword for Title.

      Choosing keyword is also inportant for ranking you can use keyword finder for your blog and you must use question in your title. it will help you to rank becase as per my experience every people ask question to google personally i also ask question
      so every time use question in your title.

        Use Label

        Lable is the best way to move user one blog to another blog.
        so you must use lable of your title.

          Describe your blog in description box.

          Description is a way to explain google on which topic is you about
          You can describe your blog in description it also help to ranking your blog.

            Go to Setting > Basic  and add Description

            6. And also add Meta description by going Search Preferences    
            7.Create a sitemap and paste it on Roboat.txt  (HowcreateSitemap)                                                                 

             8.  Now are done by this way you will get more traffic on your blog you are able to earn more money
             if you dont know how to create sitemap check my other  blog I uploaded blog on 

            Tuesday, 28 August 2018

            Guidance for a blog for beginners

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            Top 5 ideas for beginners in blogging

            Now a days blogging is in trending so that Blogger are confused in  what topic they have to select for blogging. But don't care about it. I  am sharing you  5 best topics or ideas for blogging. You can try all this idea on your blog


            You can just promote your Youtube video on blog and earn throw Youtube and also from blogging.

            in this way may get many subscriber.

            New Products

            There are so many products launch everyday so you can choose one product Give review of that new product. if you choose rare product then you will get more traffic

            Rare Gadget

            You can find many gadget on youtube and many shopping site. select one rare gadget or product
            and review of that product.


            now a days people search for motivation quotes so you have to take advantage from it. So create
            quotes for them from picsart android application.

            Wishing Script

            If you not interested to write a long boring blog then you can generate revenue throw wishing script.